
The chamber receives the Turkish independent industrialists and businessmen association (Musiad)

On Monday afternoon, 07/15/2024, I received in the meeting room at the headquarters of the Misurata chamber of commerce, industry and agriculture, Mr. (Fathi Al-Amin Al-Turki), chairman of the chamber’s board of directors; accompanied by Mr. (Abdel Majeed Al-Taher Balaou), vice chairman of the chamber’s board of directors, Mr. (Ahmed Muhammad Al-Triki), Member of the chamber’s board of directors, Mr. (Abubakr Abdel-Bari Shanab), general manager of Misurata chamber, and a number of department directors in the chamber; Mr. Fakhruddin Oylum, member of the board of directors of the Turkish independent industrialists and businessmen association (Musiad) and chairman of the association’s international economic relations committee; Mr. Engin Gevli is a member of the construction committee of the Musiad association and a member of the international economic relations committee of the association. Mr. Cemil Yuksikdag is the chairman of the construction committee of the Musiad association. Mr. Anas Kavalci is a member of the construction committee of the Musiad association and Mr. Mahmut Muhsinoglu is a member of the committee. International economic relations in the Musiad association and a member of the board of directors of the international business forum in the association. And Mr. Omar Muhammad Darhoub, commercial attaché at the Libyan general consulate in Istanbul.

The meeting began with a word from the chairman of the board of directors, in which he introduced the chamber and those attending the meeting. He also touched on the projects that the chamber is currently working on.

The members of the Musiad association also learned about the association and its activities in Libya, and among the most important construction and contracting projects implemented by companies affiliated with the association inside Libya.

During this meeting, the two parties also discussed ways of joint economic cooperation between the chamber and the Musiad association, developing Libyan-Turkish trade relations, and exchanging visits by economic delegations. The two sides also discussed the possibility of holding an exhibition for Turkish industries in the city of Misurata.

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