
Misurata chamber of commerce, industry and agriculture holds a meeting that includes company owners inside Libya regarding the monetary policy of the central bank of Libya

On Tuesday morning 03/05/2024 AD, a meeting was held in the meeting hall  of the Al-Mahari Hotel (Radisson Blu) in Tripoli city, which included chambers of commerce, industry and agriculture from (Misurata, Sirt, Zliten, Al-Marqab, Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi, Zintan, Murzuq, Sebha, Ajdabiya, , western region  and Derna) ,, In addition to the members of the Tripoli chamber, the members of the Al-Jafara chamber, the business owners council, the Libyan businessmen council, and the Libyan Federation of Industry, accompanied by a group of companies that manufacture and supply all goods from all over Libya.

The meeting discussed the monetary policies followed by the central bank of Libya and the unfair distribution in granting documentary credits to companies supplying all goods and commodities inside Libya and restricting them to certain goods and specific companies and not others.

The owners of the companies expressed their discomfort regarding these policies taken by the central bank, and that opening credits at the official exchange rate is a legitimate right for them, just like their counterparts from other companies. Leaving certain goods to the national market will cause prices to rise, which will burden the livelihood of ordinary citizens.

Hence, Misurata chamber ,began preparing memorandums in this regard to address the relevant competent authorities to resolve this crisis experienced by the owners of companies that supply and manufacture goods in our beloved country.

It was agreed to form a higher committee of chambers and businessmen attending the meeting to follow up on the crisis allegations with the central bank and relevant authorities.

At the end of the meeting, a final statement was read, expressing their dismay at the monetary policies followed by the central bank of Libya.

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