
The ambassador of republic of Pakistan holds a meeting with the chamber’s board of directors and a number of businessmen in Misrata city

On Sunday morning 11-04-2021a meeting was held at the headquarters of Misrata chamber, included the members of the board of directors, Mr (Ihab Al-Oweib), Mr (Abdul Majeed Balaw)and a number of businessmen Misrata city with the ambassador of the republic of Pakistan to Libya, Mr. Rashad Jaweed with the accompanying delegation, as well as a number of businessmen and chambers of commerce in Pakistan state of who attended the meeting through (Zoom) application as this meeting discussed ways to increase cooperation and trade exchange between Libya and Pakistan, it was agreed and set a date for holding an exhibition for a number of Pakistani companies in Misrata city, which will be in a few months, at the end of the meeting a number of souvenir gifts were exchanged between the chamber’s board of directors and the ambassador.

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