
Misrata chamber of commerce, industry and agriculture meets with a number of the union members

Thursday afternoon,23/ 05/2024, at the administrative headquarters of Misrata chamber, Mr. (Fathi Al-Amin Al-Turki), chairman of chamber’s board of directors, Mr. (Abdul Majeed Al-Taher Balaou), vice-chairman of board of directors, Mr. (Ihab Al-Hadi Al-Awaib) and Mr. (Hani Abdullah Badi), member of the chamber’s board of directors, and Mr. Abu Bakr Abdel-bari Shanab, general manager of Misurata chamber, met with Mr. (Muhammad Ali Arwiha), chairman of the syndicate of iron and steel company, and chairman of the national union of the Libyan workers; Mr. (Abdel Samie Mohamed Khadoura), vice chairman of the Syndicate of iron and steel company; and Mr(Milad Ali Shatwan), member of the general syndicate and steel company workers; and Dr. (Wissam Nouri Zaqout), manager of the syndicate of teaching assistants at Misrata university , and Mrs.(Lamia Muhammad Al-Jabo), chairman of Misrata pharmacists syndicate; Dr.( Masoud Mahmoud Suwaib), member of Misrata pharmacists syndicate; Dr.( Ahlam Ali Hamdan), member of Misrata pharmacists syndicate; Mrs.( Iman Ali Al-Fitouri), member of Misrata pharmacists syndicate; Mr. (Salah Ali Al-Sakir), vice chairman of the syndicate of higher technical institutes in Misrata; Mr. (Ahmed Bin Ghazi), member of the syndicate of higher technical institutes in Misrata; and Mr.( Ali Shabek ) member of the workers syndicate at Misrata faculty of tourism and hostility,the meeting discussed how to cooperate between the chamber and these syndicates. They also discussed the progress of the syndicalistic work of these unions within Misrata city and the most important difficulties and obstacles they face.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. (Muhammad Ali Arwiha)  was congratulated on the occasion of assuming his new duties as chairman of the national union of Libyan workers.

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