
Signing an agreement between universities and Libyan chambers of commerce

In the framework of promoting entrepreneurship in Libya between
students and young graduates, and refining the youth personality,
and imparting skills , scientific and practical experiences, and
rehabilitation and rehabilitation them for entrepreneurship, On
Tuesday 9/7/2019, in the presence of the French Ambassador to
Libya de Helen and an EU envoy, an agreement was signed between
the universities and chambers of commerce of Libya from six cities:
Tripoli, Misurata, Benghazi, Gharyan, Zintan, Sebha to provide a joint
certificate in Entrepreneurship and Business Development for Libyan
students and young graduates with business ideas, this project
comes as part of the projects of the Libya Support Program for
Economic Integration, Diversity and Sustainable Use (Sleidse), which
aims to promote and develop entrepreneurship in Libya for young


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